Role: Logo, website, print design and art direction | Client: Glass Eye for Arts Alliance
Logo and branding redesign including an extensive brand guidelines document detailing colour palette and typography usage, a responsive website design and other brand materials such as business cards, brochures and physical banners.
Arts Alliance wanted a logo that reflected their passion for entertainment in a way that was flexible enough to represent the variety of genres they supported: from the classical arts to live pop and rock concerts.
We explored many options but got really excited by the negative space spotlight shapes of the double AA's and really leaned into the more traditional roots of cinema lighting.
The main blue logo
Left: Brochure cover Right: Frame from the Arts Alliance video reel showing the animated ident, click here to view on YouTube
Above: Secondary red logo option Below: Single colour monochromatic options
The website needed to serve both B2B and consumer needs so we opted for a responsive single page site with linked sections and a modular slider on the home page which allowed the latest events to always appear up front and change regularly as required. We used the colour palette, established as part of the rebrand, to distinguish the genres of the events.
Visit the site here.
I wrote and designed an extensive brand guideline document which contained information about the logo usage, typography and colour palette.
Sample pages from the brand guidelines
Partnership Assets
Arts Alliance partners with many companies to produce, finance and distribute content for event cinema, and as such the brand has been marketed globally on a variety of materials. From posters and web banners for The Royal Opera House Live cinema series to the Cobain: Montage of Heck film microsite.
To see more about my work on the Arts Alliance microsites, please click here to view the separate project page.
Left: Microsite for Arcade Fire's Reflektor Tapes film Middle: Poster for Exhibition on Screen's film, Rembrandt  Right: Poster for Shakespeare's Globe On Screen Series
All images © Arts Alliance and their respective partners


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